Spiritual Bathing and Cleansing
/Lady's Mantle, Valerian, Marshmallow and Fern...in a bath of salts and poppy seed.
At school this week (Sandra Lory's Community Herbalism Studio) we discussed Spiritual Bathing. Most cultures practice some sort of ritualistic or spiritual bathing practice. I, personally, relate to many Shinto and Pagan practices, so looked there for inspiration, but settled with the simple, home-spun practice of soaking in salted water with poppy seeds—and added fern (for spinal strength), lady's mantle flowers (for feminine support) and valerian for emotional and personal strength, confidence and direction. I used a marshmallow leaf as a sponge: marshmallow is soothing, calmative and moistening—also great for the digestive system. This practice is centering, calming, and spiritually nourishing.